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Фотограф в Париже | Natalia ILINA |


Natalia ILINA

        English, French and Russian speaking photographer in Paris, France

My name is Natalia and I am a professional photographer based in Paris.


Photography is my main occupation, to which I devote all my time. Wedding and family photo shoots, portraits, reporting (opening days, exhibitions, concerts), fashion are my favorite types of photography.


I enjoy taking pictures both with a digital camera (Canon 5d Mark II) and with film (color and black and white).

My shooting style is lively and natural photos that will delight you forever. ​


For almost 10 years now I have been living in Paris - the most beautiful city on earth, a real open-air museum!

France is the birthplace of photography and that is why I chose this country to study with the best masters. I already have 3 French diplomas in my piggy bank: a state diploma in photography (CAP - Certificat d'aptitude professionnelle), a diploma from one of the best private schools in Paris MJM Graphic Design and a Sorbonne Diploma in Contemporary Photography. Therefore, the quality of photography is guaranteed! To order a photo session, just write a message.

See you in Paris!

Registration number in the National French business register

SIRET: 752 846 352 00017

Официальный фотограф в Париже | контракт | договор


Девушка и парень в свадебных нарядах на фоне Эйфелевой башни и неба с облаками

Wedding photography in Paris, France, Europe!

Девушка сидит на капоте желтого ситроена

All types of family photo shoots: love-story, birthday, baptism, ...

Певица Мирей Матьё поет на сцене

Event photography: conference, concert, vernissage, expo, ...

Виды фотоуслуг
Обо мне
Мужчина вечером входит в арт-галерею

“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Ansel Adams

Девушка с воздушными шарами на фоне Эйфелевой башни в Париже

Contact me

Photo Agency of Natalia ILINA

235, rue La Fayette, 75010, Paris, France

Tel.: +33 6 17 45 00 20 WA/Viber


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Professional English, French and Russian, speaking photographer Natalya ILINA has been living in Paris for about 10 years. Works throughout France and Europe in the field of wedding, family and reportage photography.

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+ 33 6 17 45 00 20

2010-2023   Photographer in Paris Natalia ILYINA    All rights reserved    №Siret: 752 846 352 00017   Tel.: +33 6 17 45 00 20     Email:

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